Mike Christensen
Mike Christensen
Mike joined the Rail Passengers Association’s Board of Directors in 2019.
He has been employed as Executive Director of the Utah Rail Passengers Association since its creation in 2018.
He holds a Master of City and Metropolitan Planning from the University of Utah.
Mike is a member of the American Planning Association, the Congress for the New Urbanism, Strong Towns, and the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals. He currently serves on the board of the Utah Chapter of the Congress for the New Urbanism, and on the board of the Utah Transit Riders Union.
In September 2021, Mike was appointed to Salt Lake City's Planning Commission.
Mike claims Malad City, Idaho, as his hometown and has lived in Utah since 1999 and in Salt Lake City’s Rose Park neighborhood since 2003. An avid transit user and bicycle rider, Mike got rid of his car in 2017 and hasn’t looked back.
"The support from the Rail Passengers Association, and from all of you individually, has been incredibly important to Amtrak throughout our history and especially so during the last trying year."
Bill Flynn, Amtrak CEO
April 19, 2021, speaking to attendees at the Rail Passengers Virtual Spring Advocacy Conference